305-595-3350 mail@gmpcomplaw.com

Longshoreman Injured at the
Port of New York City & Port of New Jersey

60+ Years of Experience Achieving Exceptional Results
for Injured Longshoremen

What is the difference between a scheduled award and a body as a whole injury?

If you are a Longshoreman injured at the Port of New York City or the Port of New Jersey, it would help you to understand the difference between a scheduled award and a body as a whole injury.

Scheduled Award

A scheduled award is for injuries to certain body parts, for example the feet, the hands, the arms, the legs or the eyes. If you have an injury only to one of those affected areas, you are entitled to receive temporary total or temporary partial disability benefits up until the point you reach medical stability called maximum medical improvement. Upon that date, Section 8(c)of the Longshore Act provides that you are then entitled to a certain number of weeks of benefits based upon the body part injured and in accordance with the chart below.

Scheduled Award Benefits:

  1. Arm lost, three hundred and twelve weeks’ compensation.
  2. Leg lost, two hundred and eighty-eight weeks’ compensation.
  3. Hand lost, two hundred and forty-four weeks’ compensation.
  4. Foot lost, two hundred and five weeks’ compensation.
  5. Eye lost, one hundred and sixty weeks’ compensation.
  6. Thumb lost, seventy-five weeks’ compensation.
  7. First finger lost, forty-six weeks’ compensation.
  8. Great toe lost, thirty-eight weeks’ compensation.
  9. Second finger lost, thirty weeks’ compensation.
  10. Third finger lost, twenty-five weeks’ compensation.
  11. Toe other than great toe lost, sixteen weeks’ compensation.
  12. Fourth finger lost, fifteen weeks’ compensation.
  13. Loss of hearing:
    1. Compensation for loss of hearing in one ear, fifty-two weeks.
    2. Compensation for loss of hearing in both ears, two-hundred weeks.

Body as a Whole Injury

A body as a whole injury is different from a scheduled injury because you are not limited to a certain number of weeks for your injuries. A body as a whole injury is an injury to the head, neck, back, shoulders, hips and psychological injuries and injuries to the heart and lungs. When you have a body as a whole injury, you are entitled to receive compensation for so long as the injury prevents you from returning to work and or results in a loss of wage earning capacity. A body as a whole injury can pay you compensation for the rest of your life. Ordinarily, a body as a whole injury is much more valuable than a scheduled award injury.

Further Longshoreman Injury Questions?

If you have further questions about the difference between a scheduled award benefit and a body as a whole injury, we have the answers.

At the Law Offices of Gillis, Mermell & Pacheco, P.A., our lawyers have over 60 years of combined experience helping Longshoreman who are injured at the Port of New York and the Port of New Jersey. We are qualified to answer any question you might have about your Longshore case.


Maximizing Your Longshoreman Injury Benefits

We will inform you and guide you through this complicated law so that you can maximize your benefits. We can make sure that you are receiving the right classification of benefits, and we can help you negotiate a favorable lump sum cash settlement for your injuries.

The Law Offices of Gillis, Mermell & Pacheco, P.A. is a nationwide law firm. We handle the claims of Longshoremen who are injured at any port anywhere in the country.

Let us put our years of experience, training and expertise to work for your Longshore claim today! Call us at 305-595-3350 now!

Over 6000 Claims

filed on behalf of injured workers.

Including claims of workers injured under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. We are experienced Longshore attorneys, and we have a proven track record of securing excellent results for injured Longshoremen for more than 22 years. Call us now to discuss your case, a free consultation, no obligations! 305-595-3350

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